This quilt was an exercise in all the things I find so frustrating about quilting and sewing, the main one being rotary cutting. Even though the strips for the blocks were all from badly cut jelly rolls, I had to cut the sashing and borders myself. Everything is crooked, wavy, and just generally off kilter. I added 6 inches to each side, but the proportions are still off. I would have needed more like 12 inches to make it more proportional, but that seemed excessive.
But I do like the bright colors offset by the deep blue. I am glad, however, to be moving on to another project.
This piece is just beautiful, and I think 12 inches on each side would have still looked nice. I dont think I would ever do well with the preciseness needed in quilting. I am too much of a free form stitcher. I think you did a fantastic job despite all the obstacles in your way!
okay I'm gonna Monday morning QB here (or back seat drive, what_ever)
maybe when it was in rows
you could have added solid segments to each row and then make them wider
when sewn together so it was:
c.o.i.n.s. solid
each would have gone wide.
Does it not fit the bed? I think its great ...
I think the quilt top looks great. Consider an exercise in patient and then you never have to do one like it again! I so suck at percise piecing and cutting straight lines - thankfully I have tuned in to improv sewing, wonkly log cabins and paper pieceing (for those times when I want some percise pieceing).
I think the quilt is lovely! The dark blue really anchors it and makes the brights just POP! If you need to make it wider still you could do another boarder, narrow on top then wide at the sides make it dark and you will not really notice the size differences because your eye just naturally goes to the bright coins.
All in all, it really is a very pretty quilt.
I think it turned out great!
Will you look at that! A beautiful quilt from a woman who works, has two littles and a husband to take care of! You've done a great job--be nicer to yourself! I really like the way the blue sashing is one of the coins so you get steps in each row. A neat unplanned happening!
Lurking Linda
Beautiful! I love how it finished out!
Just as a side note LOL MOst people are not as wide as they are long so I find they prefer rectangle shaped quilts/blankets to the square ones :D My kids have to have it long enough to tuck from under their toes to their necks and wide enough to tuck under their bums and shoulders! LOL
I really like how all the colors pop! Great job!
This is fantastic.....the colors make me happy!
I think it looks great. If you still have a problem with it you can always find a good home for it here. I mean if its obviously off kilter I could alway have a bottle or 2 of wine and it would then look straight. lol
I love the colors in your quilt!
it's a wonderful quilt! but i know the feeling of relief of having a frustrating project behind you!!
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