My first task was to use one of the bins for all the weird jelly rolls I got on eBay so long ago (they turned into this quilt and then the rest of them sat in the bottom of my scrap box until yesterday). I had already pulled out some of them over the weekend to make this:
But brightly colored strips of fabric all in one handy bin only serves to turn my children into magpies. Last night, the bin was closed.
This morning:
I will, no doubt, be finding these for weeks.
But, hey, guess what? I was taking a picture of my shelves:
to contrast with the shelves I am going to steal from my husband becasue he has not utilized them to my satisfaction:
and I thought I should probably move that big, ugly box:
Hey! What's that on the floor?
I'm guessing it was trying to hide until I had cleaned my damn house.
Love the bock! What measurements did you use?
ROFL! I have 2 cameras too - not only do I need to clean the house, but I am notoriously forgetful and will ALWAYS forget where one of them is at any given moment. I feel your pain!
I need a phone ~ or some sort of homing device ~ on my camera so that I can ring it every time I lose it .... which is often.
Love the block ... you better hurry up and make the rest before the tinies abscond with the rest of your strips!!!!
Joy :o)
that happens to me all the time. Not with my camera (yet), but I lose stuff. I find it, when cleaning, later on. I still haven't found the pieces for the pajama pants I was going to make my baby girl for Christmas eve. No idea on that one.
that's awesome. thanks for the laugh this morning! This happens to me all the time, btw.
You deserve a BIG ASS hug. Here comes mine to hug you!
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