Harper found a punching bag in a toy catalog and it was one of the things she put on her Master List to Santa this year. So sure is she that Santa will come through that she asked me if I would take two of my fat quarters and make her a mat for standing on while she is throwing punches. She chose the two fabrics she wanted, and I cut, basted, stippled and bound it over the weekend.
The best part was binding it, because I could carry it with me from room to room, as the munchkins demanded it, and work on it while I claimed to be watching every move they made. It occurred to me that it would be nice to have something like that to work on while we're in Tennessee, so I dug out some of the old sushi fabric I had bought way back when I was going to make a Bento Box quilt with it, and cut placemats!
I took the opportunity I had today (with Devon finally back at daycare for a couple days) to experiment with some free motion quilting other than stippling. It looks like hell on the solid side, but over the pattern, it ain't too bad.
I'm making 4 altogether, and if I can get binding cut and machine stitched in the next 24 hours, I'll have a handy tool for ignoring my children while we're away! Sweet!
The quilting looks great!
Awesome! By the time you get the fourth placemat done, you'll have that free motion design logged into your hands and brain so well you'll be able to quilt it in your sleep.
I know what you mean about handwork. I use it to casually ignore my relatives too!
Hey, Megan ! these quilt lines are lookin' good! You have practiced it to perfection, or at least close to it lol. Busy hands help you to hold your tongue, sometimes. And with your eyes on the project, it is not as easy for your ARGH! expressions to be seen...
I think your quilting looks great! Keep at it and it gets easier and easier and more fun. And if you don't want it to show as much use prints on both sides. But really, I think you're doing an awesome job.
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