Sunday, February 7, 2010


These pictures do not do justice to the insane amount of snow that fell on us yesterday, but they do show my cute kids having fun while my husband shovels a path.

Approximately 28 inches of snow fell on top of the 3 or 4 that was already there from Wednesday and the 8 from last Saturday. And seriously, if I hear one more person go, "Awww! I love snow! I wish it would snow like that here," I will bring you some snow in a big box and bury you in it for a week and then YOU CAN SEE HOW IT FEELS.

This snow was so massive and fell so fast, that there was no way snowplows or road crews could keep up with it. In all our last storms, enough people with 4-wheel drive and no sense drove in and out of our cul-de-sac to tamp down the snow and make a driveable surface, but not even those loons were willing to go out in this, so the road is as deep as everywhere else. God knows when we'll get out of here.

I predict that schools will be closed most of the week, so that combined with being housebound indefinitely will make any posts I manage to compose increasingly nutty, so that by the end of the week, everything will be in ALL CAPS AND I'LL BE BEGGING YOU ALL TO SEND SCHNAPPS AND CHOCOLATE BY HELICOPTER. I'M SURE THE NATIONAL GUARD WILL BE HAPPY TO TO AN AIR DROP.

In other news, my brother goes under the knife on Thursday and I quit my job last week. Fun times all around!