Friday, January 17, 2014

The end!

We're finally here! the very last day of the Endless Book Blog Tour of 2013 and 2014! Damn, I need a cookie.

Yesterday, we heard from the very lovely Elaine Haselhuhn from Dashasel Sews. I was pretty sure Elaine was not going to end up participating, because in the course of planning this thing, I had to email people to let them know dates and whatnot and EVERY SINGLE TIME I would spell her name wrong. And she would write back, "You spelled my name wrong again." And I would flog myself repeatedly with the nearest floggy-type thing. And then get Jill's blog name wrong. Sheesh.

Elaine has the distinction of being the designer of the very first project we showcased on the Generation Q website way back in...July of 2011. This was a big deal for us because we were trying to produce daily content—daily, magazine-quality content—and having full projects to share was a huge thing for us. It turns out, Elaine's project—a wall-hanging that incorporated two bud vases— was inspired by Project QUILTING. Which conveniently brings me to today's stop on the tour.

Kim from Persimon Dreams is the genius behind Project QUILTING, an online contest that runs in seasons much like Kim's favorite TV show, Project Runway. During each season, a challenge is posted on Sunday by Kim's mother-in-law, Diane, who is also a quilter and quilting teacher. You then have one week to complete a project according to the rules of the challenge and post pics of your finished creation on the Project QUILTING Flickr group. Participants qualify to win weekly prizes as well as a Grand Prize for the entire season. You can also post your pictures in a special Flickr group if you want to receive some constructive criticism of your work ( I love this aspect of it.) Kim is all the way up to Season 5, so you know that this has been an extremely successful venture.

And if that isn't enough mad creativity for you, Kim is also doing a year-long quilt-along called 52 Blocks. Each week for all of 2014, Kim will post a pattern for a block. Each block is something traditional that has been tweaked in some way to reveal something else - perhaps a set of little houses or a fish or a bird. Go here to get all the blocks that have been posted so far and book mark it because you'll be able to go back and see them as she updates each week.

Both Kim and Elaine are doing giveaways, so these are your last chances to win an autographed copy. Go now and enter. And THANK YOU SO MUCH to every person who helped promote my book, to every person who bought it, and to every one of you for joining me on this crazy, 5-week adventure.