Now, at this point I was tempted to make the damn quilt anyway, because what kind of a 90th birthday gift is a dress and shoes and handbag? But I am a "don't rock the in-law boat" kind of person, and I just smiled and said okay. I waited patiently for my MIL to send me swatches of the material she would be using for the dress, and they finally arrived a month or so ago.
I chose not to photograph them for you, because I respect you and want you to return here on occasion. Let me just say that on first glance it looked like chambray, but turned out to be some sort of petroleum-based fiber in a color I would describe as alien blue. Try to match that with quilting fabric.
So I carried this swatch around with me for weeks until I first came up with a fabric from JoAnn's, that feels so thin and flimsy it will probably dissolve in the wash and I made this:
But it's small and feels flimsy since it has no interfacing or anything to give it body. I've been holding onto this pattern for some time, and decided to try it out, but because it uses batting, the directions recommend using a walking foot.
So now I have a walking foot, which means I may be trying my own quilting soon (and you can bet you'll be hearing about THAT). Let me just say that this project got screwed up in every way it may be possible to screw something up, including getting the thread so tangled on the spindle that I bent my needle into a "J" before I realized it. And yet, it's not totally sucky when you look at it from a reasonable distance:
But, I'm still not happy. I mean this is the woman's 90th birthday after all, and even if she's getting a crappy gift, I still owe it to her to do my best, so I'm going to try again, though I haven't picked a pattern or new fabric yet.
And then my husband talks to his mother on the phone yesterday and tells her that I've been working hard on making just the right purse, and she says, "Oh, yeah. I'm just gonna have to buy something. I don't have time to make her anything."
And my husband, bless him, said, "Why don't you just send the money you would spend to Megan AND SHE COULD MAKE GRANDMA A QUILT."
Aren't DH's the best....
Mine volunteered us to teach a father/daughter how to waltz at her wedding. No we are not ballroom dancers .... we dance yes but not ballroom. I hope they can pull it off next weekend.
Gotta love em...
Inlaws, outlaws and all...whatcha gonna do?
Give your hubby a kiss and remind him how much you love him in spite of himself!!
Well, I think you hubby had a great idea, if the MIL comes through with the $$$. Use the Warm Wishes pattern, you already know how to do that one, and grandma doesn't need a bedsize quilt, just one for her chair. I made one for my grandma in '05. I intended it for her to use with her recliner chair, but she wanted it on her bed, even though it wasn't bed size. She used it for 2 years. It was on her bed the day that she died. I have it back and it showes evidence of wear. I am happy about that. I would not have been happy if it was in pristine condition. I also made a warm wishes for my MIL. Similar to this one, but only larger. She doesn't use it.
don't bite your tongue too hard!! Love those in-laws!! agghhh!!!
Keep on blogin'!
She's 90 and it will be handmade from your heart - she'll love it. (Besides how well can she see? )
LOVE IT! (not) husbands...
Oh that's a husband for ya!!! Shows he is thinking for the both of you right am i right??!??!!! HA HA
That is too funny! But I love the bags - I think they are cute.
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