...Jake and Melissa said so.
Now before I tell you what that means, let me address the many comments and emails I have received taking me to task for not identifying each and every quilt pattern represented in the photographs of my sister's quilts that I posted a couple days ago. Apparently, a GOOD BLOGGER would have told you the name of the pattern, the designer, the names of every fabric used therein, the type of batting, what brand of sewing machine was used to make it, and what specific expletives my sister used any time she made a mistake and had to rip out seams and start over ("thunderchoad", "assbucket", and "dirty whore douche licker").
Whenever anyone has asked me for the name of a specific pattern, I have done the following three things:
1. Clicked on the picture to see it full size.
2. Read the name (if available in that picture).
3. Googled it.
And TA DA! The name of the quilt pattern, the designer, and dozens of places to purchase it!
But what really got me giggling over all this were the emails I received that said I really should have given you the contact information about the quilt shop itself (where my sister works). I DID! It's called a link, you silly gooses! Go back to the last post and look at the sentence where I told you my sister works in a quilt shop. See how the words "quilt shop" are a different color? Try clicking on those two words. Go ahead! It won't break the internet!
Whoops! Did you get scared? I'm still here. That was the website for The Quilter's Attic, the shop where my sister works. I am sorry that they do not have online ordering available, but they do have a phone! But don't leave a message - I can't guarantee that anyone knows how to access it. Oh, hey, y'all should get along real good then!
Awww, c'mon, baby. You know I love you.
In other news, the April May issue of
Quilter's Home magazine has finally hit the newsstands and to everyone who has come here to this blog today as a result of that issue, I sincerely apologize for using the profanity you read in the earlier paragraph. That was not like me at all, and if you read through my archives, you will discover that I am really a mild-mannered wisp of a girl, dedicated to bringing only love and joy to my 7 or 8 regular readers.
Seriously. I'm a bucket of fucking sunshine. Ask anyone.
I am very excited about this issue because it has my longest (and, I think, best) article to date, called "A Brief History of Quilting." And just to whet your appetite, I will tell you that the opening page of this piece prominently features a large photograph of a yak!
The other article I am excited about was not written by me, but is a compendium of 55 awesome quilting blogs - mine included. Now I love quilt blogs, and craft blogs, and I know I would never have gotten to where I am as a quilter (marginally competent) without the online resources provided by bloggers. The blogging community is huge, but at the same time, one can find friends there so easily just by putting words and work online for everyone to see. I have said many, many times that blogging changed my life, and I would bet that is true for a lot of the bloggers in this article. If you need some inspiration for your quilts, your crafts, or your blog, do check out this list. And then go write the editors (the aforementioned Jake and Melissa) and tell them I'm a bucket of fucking sunshine.