I have been doing a lot of thinking and soul-searching over the last few days - the last few weeks, really - and it became clear to me as I attempted to write my next humor column for Quilter's Home. See, there was a time when writing things that I found funny and things that made other people laugh was a pleasure, because it was kind of a subversive act for me. It was talking all the expectations of who and what I was supposed to be, was expected to be, and well, basically laughing in the face of all that. I was never going to be a lawyer or the editor of the New York Times Book Review. I was probably never going to write a serious novel. So, writing humor was a way of accepting myself, or so I saw it at the time.
But now that humor writing has become a chore, one with deadlines and expectations, I can see it for what it really is: a waste of time and an excuse for not trying harder to realize my potential. I'm afraid my heart simply isn't in this anymore, and I am discontinuing this blog as of today.
I will, however, be keeping another blog, in which I will chronicle my future studies in pre-law. I hope that you will all come visit me over there from time to time, as I am sure I will come to miss you all very much. In fact, I've already started and you can read the first post here.