
Thursday, September 10, 2009


Apparently, some of you are subscribers to Quilter's Home magazine and have seen my article! I am so thrilled, but I have to tell you something:

I HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET!!!!!!!!!!!!

You would think that, knowing for as long as I have that not one but two things that I have written would be published in upcoming issues of this magazine, I would have, I dunno, SUBSCRIBED or something. But no. I didn't.

So I have to wait until it comes out in the stores, which, judging by how badly I want to get my hands on one of these things and its relation to real time, should be about a hundred and forty-six years from now.

So, I do want to hear if you've seen it and whether you liked it, but don't tell me too much about it yet, please!


  1. So, I had to go pull the magazine out of the "to read" stack. The article is excellent! Very funny and also very true. Keep up the writing!

  2. I loved the article....cann't believe you don't subscribe to the mag. It is absolutely entertaining and very informative...oh I forgot you have younge children which computes as absolutely no time to be entertained or informed !

  3. Great article, plus I love your blog, glad I found it through the mag - which I also love, it's the only quilt magazine I subscribe to.

  4. The article is GREAT!! I just loved it! The magazine is the only magazine I even subscribe to. I hope you'll get one soon!!
    ~ Jennie
