I got this idea in my head this past weekend, and I just couldn't let it go. At the last magazine I worked for, I used to do some limited graphics work, mostly in InDesign but also a bit of Photoshop, creating ads for people who couldn't afford a professional. As with nearly everything I do, I taught myself and had (and still have) no idea what I was doing. Still, I churned out some okay stuff. I mean, nobody sued or anything, so it must have been acceptable.
I've never been a big novelty t-shirt fan, but my friend Amy, who is into knitting, has some really cool ones and I thought it would be neat to have some of my own for quilting. And I have done some searches, but never quite found anything that suited my sense of humor.
So, I made my own.
I have opened a little Cafe Press store with a selection of 3 t-shirts, 2 coffee mugs, and a tote bag. Here are the designs:
This is available on a v-neck t-shirt and 2 sizes of mug:

This is on a regular t-shirt and a tote bag:

And this is on a pink t-shirt:

I have kept everything at $19.99 or less, so any sale would net me a buck or three. And to get the ball rolling, let's do a giveaway! The winner will get one item from the Bitchy Stitcher Cafe Press store, so go visit and see what you like best (not all designs are available on all products, because they're stingy when you use the free store option). Then leave a comment here and tell me which one you would like if you win. See - easy peasy; I didn't even make you jump through hoops for this one.
Deadline for leaving comments is one week from today - Monday, May 18 at midnight e.s.t. One entry per person. Winner will be chosen at random and will be announced on Wednesday, May 20.
Good luck - and please be nice if you think these totally suck.
UPDATE: Yes, this is open to overseas residents as well.
Omg, these are sooo cool! I love the tote bag the most! But, as a great grandmother, I think the don't drink and quilt logo suits me the most, lol! Nope, the tote bag. Keep up the funny stuff, Elaine
I love the "don't drink and quilt" logo, but I'm not into white t-shirts -- so I'll go for the smaller mug. Cool stuff!
Hehe - I like the "don't drink & quilt" - I'm pretty sure my friends would totally make fun of me for that one (quilting is my "grandma" hobby). :)
love the don't drink and quilt mug... mostly because it's true lol. Have you ever quilted while drinking? It's not pretty...I don't recommend it. If I won I would like the large mug please.
Holy cow, I love the, "Don't Drink and Quilt." I'd take either mug or t-shirt if I win and purchasing the other or, if I don't win, I'll probably be purchasing both. It's so me, except I am sure my ideas are "totally fab" b/c I drink and quilt! Wine oh wine... I have a T-shirt that says, "Out of Wwine, Life Sucks." It's a spin off of life is good. Anyway, I digress, love it.
What fun and a great idea! Is it open for overseas too? Love the T-shirt with the Don't drink and quilt logo. The mugs are great too.
I think I like the I am a bitchy stitcher t-shirt the best.
I love the Don't drink and quilt t-shirt! Great job!
Ohmygosh, I LOVE the "don't drink and quilt". A mug would be so damned...oops, darned wonderful.
{squeezing eyes shut, muttering, "I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win"}
Heh. I'm with most of the others -- "Don't Drink and Quilt" is hysterical! I'd love that t-shirt. I can just see the other ladies in my small quilt group laughing when I show up to a meeting it one! (And, the 19th is my birthday, so I'd love to win as a b-day present. Please? ;) )
These are so cute. I love the Don't Drink and Quilt. Actually I don't need a drink to make a block like that!
These are funny! I like them all but the Fab, Rick is my fave! :)
Congrats on your shop! Love the white 'don't drink and quilt" t-shirt.
Ok, It's really hard to type with my fingers crossed but I'm doing it for luck cos I'd just LOVE to win the "Don't drink and quilt" shirt ... it cracks me up!!!
Joy :o)
Great idea! I love the Don't Drink and Quilt T-shirt. It's perfect.
Hilarious, as usual. I love the "don't drink and quilt" big mug...what a great thing for me to bring to work...hehehehe.
These are so cute and it's the first time I have heard of cafe press. I would love to win a v neck t-shirt. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us...Kathy
The don't quilt and drink t...cracks me up :) I manage to do just that *without* drinking-oh well.
Great giveaway.
ljs742 at yahoo dot com
I like the I'm a bitchy stitcher t - but usually I only bitch when I can't stitch lol
love your blog!!
I would love the large don't drink and quilt mug. You know you can hide what you are drinking in a mug. And boy could I hide yummy stuff in that mug!
I love the "don't drink and quilt" line and image, and I think the large mug is my favorite.
OMG! I would love to win an "I'm a bitchy stitcher T"
Love Don't Drink and Quilt on anything and everything!!!
It rocks!
I'd love to have the blue, bitchy stitcher shirt in a 2xl.
Deb S.
icountxxs @ yahoo . com
These are so great! I love the "don't drink and quilt"! I'd have to choose that one on the big mug if I won. I mean when I win! Thanks so much! :0)
LOVE the "don't drink and quilt"!!!
It is waaaay funny and so suiting to your colorful personality!! I
would love to own one, and iffin' I
don't win, you will definately get my 3 bucks!!
These are great! Love the Don't drink & quilt! Crossing my fingers!
Those are awesome! I must say, my favorite is the first one, Don't Drink and Quilt. :D
I love the 'don't drink and quilt' shirt. I'm a t-shirt gal.
I was at a retreat this weekend and the "Don't drink and quilt" t-shirt is just what I'd have loved to wear there. So apt. lol. If I win there is another retreat scheduled for late September.
Congratulation on your store, hope it will be a success.
I love your Blog and way of writing, it puts a smile on my face :-)
Finally a giveaway that is easy! Since I love mugs I would have to choose the mug but since I know shipping would be expensive to Germany (don't want to take advantage of your generosity) I would pick the Tshirt ( don't drink & quilt) First i have to win! LOL
My fav is the "don't drink and quilt" large mug.
Think they are all great but if I win I would like the Don't drink and quilt t-shirt
I would love to have a couple of the "Don't Drink and Quilt" mugs, one for me and one for my quilting partner - my sister!! What a great gift! Very creative!
Great idea! I would love the love the BITCHY STITCHER T-shirt!
I love reading it the blog.
And have given Mark an earful too!
Barb P
Too Cute! I especially like the Don't Drink and Quilt... I sometimes attend recovery meetings with my daughter and that teeshirt would be a scream to wear to an NA or AA meeting (and at her home meeting, they all know I quilt!)... But I really think I'd love the large mug, if I won! Love your blog! Keep writing!!
Oh Bitchy sticher for sure, it would go straight over the heads of the folks over here! neat....
Would love to see the "Don't Drink and Quilt" logo on a colored t-shirt. I'll keep checking back. The large mug would be great!
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