
Friday, December 20, 2013

Book Tour Day 15 - Kelly Biscopink

Whew! We're at the end of the first round of the Endless Book Blog Tour of 2013. And 2014. Our gracious hostess for the day is Kelly Biscopink of Stitchy Quilt Stuff! I met Kelly at Quilt Market in Houston after I attended the Schoolhouse she presented, along with Andie Johnson, for their book, Modern Designs for Classic Quilts. I knew I had to attend that schoolhouse because, well, the title of that book just screamed GenQ to me. So after it was over, I muscled my way up to see Kelly and Andie to be all like, "Oh hi, I'm with this new magazine and we'd love to work with you." And they were so super nice and never let on until WAY later that Jake had already been ALL OVER them for oh, I don't know, EVER, and my little intro was totally superfluous.

But it was no big because, as I said, they were just so incredibly nice. I meet a lot of nice people at Market, but there's not that many I look up on Facebook and friend immediately thereafter, so there you go. HIGH PRAISE INDEED.

Kelly has a very nice review of the book up (and mad points to Kelly for reading the copyright page!) and is doing a giveaway. So git yur butts over there, people and enter!


The tour will return on January 6 with my stalwart employers at GenQ. In the meantime, I may be back once or twice to talk about my usual drivel. It has been quite a year and I'm feeling that dastardly need to go over it all and try to put it into some kind of perspective.

So, until then, thank you all so much for making the release of this book a bigger success than I could ever have imagined. I could not do what I do without you.

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