
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Creative Visualization

My brother was released from the hospital and is back at home now. Being 600 miles away makes me feel quite helpless, so I wanted to send him something that would show my love for him as well as, perhaps, be of some help as he fights this cancer. This is what's in the box I'm sending him today:

Let's just say a wicked sense of humor runs in my family.


  1. LOL ...... love it :o)!!!
    Joy :o)

  2. LOL! Laughter is, after all, the best medicine!

  3. Good for you!! He continues to be in our thoughts and prayers, as well as your entire family.

  4. All best thoughts go to your brother----by the way, would you mind sending some of that snow up here. We live in Canada for gods sake and we haven't had any snow since second week of December. THIS IS NOT GOOD. I am not ready for spring and my daffodils are threatening to make an appearance. WE NEED SNOW!!!!!!!!
